Sunday, October 13, 2024


Oreo and Ursula decided to hide most of the day. They are smart cats. With all the cleaning and company over, they stayed in the bedroom. 

We did have a good time with our company. 
The donkeys were acting weird today. Pedro was not with the rest of the donkeys and the other three were laying down in the barn in the middle of the day. I never see that. They did get up though. The goats were all still acting weird, too. What is going on?

Mattie and Willow seemed okay, but stand offish. That usually does not happen. 

I walked down to the pig pens and they were pretty flooded. I did not know why, but the hose was still on. So, the water had been running for almost 24 hours. At least it was the well and not the city water. Good grief. The pigs were not complaining about it though. They were happy about it. It was another warm day.

I did see all the cats again today. They were all home. 

The chickens were surrounding the goats this evening. 

I saw one of the biggest eggs I have ever seen before tonight. I bet it has a double yoke in it. 

Ann did get out of the shop today. She was in with the sheep when I saw her. Not sure how long that will last. 

The dogs were all laying around in the backyard.

Takua was fine today. He ate with the rest of them. 

Ronnie and I went outside to watch for the comet. We stayed out there for a while, but we were unable to see it tonight. Yeller watched intently with me. 

I do not know what happened, but Daisy attacked Pepper tonight. This happens about once a year. I do not know what the cause is. I did manage to get them separated, but throwing water on them, but that is so scary. I checked on them several times after that and loved on Pepper. Pepper may be not feeling well after that. Luckily for her she has too much hair which helped her tonight. 


I could not really sleep since I was so excited about seeing the northern lights. Now onto seeing a comet this weekend.
The sunrise was beautiful. Nothing compares to what I saw last night though. 

I got to work and there was a stray kitten. That kitten looked and reminded me so much of Persia. It really broke my heart. She did find a home with one of the employees though. I decided to go buy a bunch of supplies for the cat for the employee. The cat is a sweet little thing. I hope the home works out. 
I got to see all the cats this afternoon. 

The donkeys and goats were all wanting chicken feed today. They are so funny. 

The dogs were all rolling around in the grass this afternoon. 

The pigs were all pretty active this afternoon wanting their food. 
The goats were active tonight, too. Something weird is going on in the atmosphere. It could have been the lights last night or the incoming cold front. 

The cows and donkeys were doing fine this evening. 

The sheep looked fine, too. 

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella seemed normal tonight, too.

Takua was not normal. At first I thought it was colic, but when Ronnie came out, he noticed the signs of him eating some nightshade. That is a toxic plant. Jeb likes to eat it for some reason. They look like they have taken illegal drugs after they eat that. We kept a close eye on Takua for the rest of the night. He was out of it for several hours, but then after 11pm, he seemed to snap out of it. One of the horses always has something happen to them when we are fixing to have company. 


Another beautiful morning. I am grateful for those. This week has been tough and it is not over yet. It has been such a long week. I am sue it is just the stress I am feeling. 

Pete peeked up and look at me through the fence as I was going to work this morning. He is such a sweet donkey. 

I have been checking the northern lights forecast all day long. I will continue to check it. I am excited and hopeful to see the lights tonight, even though I am in West Texas. I have been praying about seeing them. I need something good this week. It has been tough. 

Maggie is still declining, but I was able to get some pictures with her today. She does not like to get up and move anymore. I know she is tired. 

I did get to see the cats tonight. 

The dogs were all doing their thing in the backyard, even if it is hot outside. Of course, Maggie and Pepper come in after they eat. Neither of them can handle the heat. 

The donkeys were out in the pasture. 

I did notice the goats were acting weird. They seemed a little lethargic and just were not acting themselves. I know the weather is changing, but it is weird. 

The pigs were all doing fine. 

The horses got a new hay bale tonight. They were excited. 

I noticed Bill was acting a little weird tonight, too. I hope it’s just the weather change coming. 

I started watching the sky at sunset. 

I noticed at 8pm, right after sunset the sky was turning colors. I could not see it with my eyes, but I could see the pink in photos. I got Ronnie to take me to the lake which is darker than at the house. We were able to see them at the lake, too. I knew we were early for the lights, but my excitement took over. We did stay for a little bit and then we went home. I continued to watch the sky at the house. I thought I was finished looking and then the sky just lit up with the northern lights. I still could not see much with my eyes, but the photos are amazing. I got some really amazing photos and I am so grateful to have been able to see them. It really was an experience.