Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hello out there!!! I am new to this, but I want to share my stories. I was raised in the city and now I am a farm girl. It truly has been a transition for me. I don’t like to work hard at home or to get dirty or sweat... I mean, yuck!!! But, here I am dragging water to animals and watering the garden and cleaning out pig pens and oh my goodness, it never ends. Not to mention the attention these animals want and I really don’t have that many. I do have enough to keep me hoping and getting close to those 10,000 steps a day people talk about. Whew, I’m tired thinking about it. Anyway. Let’s juat say that this has been a wild ride and I’m not ready to get off of it just yet... well not at the moment, if I had been asked a few minutes ago, I might have had a different answer. So, there is my introduction. I will start posting funny stories from this crazy farm that I actually love.

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