Thursday, May 23, 2019

So, at this point we have 3 goats, 1 donkey, 2 pigs, 3 dogs and 2 cats. Wow, for someone that was raised in the city, I cannot tell you how overwhelming this is at the beginning. The goats and donkey needed a shelter and the pigs are still curled up in the straw and not friendly. As the days go one, I get out in the 2 different pens daily. Feed them daily, watering them. I just got attached to them very quickly. But, guys, this is work... just the feeding and the watering but then you have to work them and put stuff in their ear for bugs and all kinds of stuff. I had no idea. Now we get to the good part.. it’s not good really, but it’s part of the story anyway. One of the pigs is sick, skin looks like it’s rotting off and she is wheezing... ummm.... what do I do??? Well, I thought maybe she was dirty, so let’s give her a bath. That made her skin worse!!!! It literally starts opening up and looking terrible!!! Not to mention, I’m breaking out in a rash. What in the world is happening here. I take her to the vet the next day and the vet wouldn’t even touch her. He just gave me an antibiotic for the pneumonia... yes I said pneumonia. Have you ever tried to give an unsociable pig a pill form of an antibiotic?? I hadn’t even had the thought to do so, well, you will get bit. They are very very smart and know if you put something in their food. She would just spit it right out. I finally had to shove it down her throat and hope she didn’t bite my hand off. It was brutal.  Well, she wasn’t better days later, so I put her back in the cat crate and took her to another vet. He takes one look at her and says, so you know she has sarcoptic mange... I said ummm... no... he says, you better be careful, that’s contagious to humans. So, he gave her a shot and gave us injections to give her for the next few days. That in itself was pure chaos. She isn’t socialized and she scream and screamed. Took my husband and me both. Whew... that was something. Until next time...

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