Sunday, June 9, 2019

So, as I was saying, I have a very sick pig on my hands... a few days later, I have 2 very sick pigs on my hands. In my head, what in the world did I get myself into... Why did I have to accept the challenge my husband gave me and just not taken the pigs. Well, the reason is... I love animals. I knew I loved animals before I had all these animals, but now I’m attached and financially invested so these pigs will get well and they will love me. So, I have these pigs in a very small area and decided to keep them there because of the mange. They still aren’t social and I can’t imagine chasing these everyday to spray them down to get rid of it. Did I mention I actually came down with it, too. Omg. It was awful but mine went away quicker than the pigs did. So as this goes on, I can’t try to socialize them because I’m not about to get that again. I spray them down daily and feed them and go about my business. Hmmm... big mistake. Luckily the other animals didn’t get it and I still was able to love on them everyday. By now, the goats and the donkey are running to me when I open the gate. Hercules and Romeo are trying to eat my clothes off daily but of course, I’m not going to let that happen. The donkey will let me kiss him on the nose and takes selfies with me, which I post on Facebook and Instagram. Romeo will jump up on me like a dog and try to sit in my lap. Lucky still won’t have anything to do with me, but I’m working on it.

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