Saturday, June 22, 2019

I’m still talking about Daisy in this post. She is a fantastic farm dog, but she is also a protector of the house. She kills animals in the woods and the fields. She is such a mess about it. She does not like it when I try to take the dead animals away from her. It’s all kinds of animals. Gophers, moles, rats, possum, chicken, rabbits. She is definitely a mess. I guess that’s a dog instinct. Not sure what else it would be. She loves to bring them to me though, which freaks me out sometimes. The chicken was really an eye opener. I freaked out since our neighbors have chickens and I didn’t know them. I didn’t know if I should go talk to them or not but honestly, Daisy could not have killed that chicken.


  1. Daisy is a fantastic dog! Farm life is definitly her thing!

  2. She is amazing!!! She did truly find her place in the world!!! I’m grateful for her!!
