Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I know I talk about the pigs all the time, so I am switching gears today. I’m going to tell some funny stories about other things. While my husband was building the fence for all the animals, we had an interesting visitor. Everything was going great and then all of a sudden, my husband comes in and gets a gun. I’m like, oh my goodness, what is happening?? He didn’t say anything, he just went back on the front porch. And he let his dog in, so I knew something was up. So, I walk out on the porch to be nosy... why do women do this?? I just don’t know. Anyway. And then I see it... a skunk... during the day... ummm... I finally said, are you going to kill it and he said well, I really hate to kill it this close to the house. I understood that. Finally after a while, the critter just left. No idea what happened to it. I think sometimes I still smell him every once in awhile. And, I do believe that possibly the skunk is still living on the property. However, none of the dogs have been sprayed so I hope I’m wrong!!!

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