Sunday, June 23, 2019

I have to admit, I’m a little neurotic when it comes to my animals. It makes things go slower, but I want them to have the best care I can give them. For example, I dump out the water and give them clean water, to me that’s common sense. But, I have to carry the water buckets down to the animals each time I do that. It’s hard work. I sweat so much it’s like waves from an ocean. It’s awful. But they make it worth it. I get up early every morning, and I’m not an early morning person, but I get up to feed the pigs. I make sure they have what they need. Make sure they have water every morning. I check on these animals so often that some might say I’m obsessed with them. I’m really not, maybe just overprotective, or maybe I am just striving to be a really good hobby farm owner. I have a job that can be overwhelming emotionally, so these animals are my therapy. They help me make it through those really rough days. I know to some that sounds like my cheese has slid off my cracker, but it’s true.

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