Friday, June 28, 2019

This morning I really thought we had turned a corner. In we, I am referring to Bacon bit, pork chop and me. As I came out this morning to feed all the pigs, Bacon bit ran to the fence. I really thought she was going to just magically be friends now, but that was wishful thinking. As I came just a little closer, of course she ran off. Pork chop may still be mad about getting fixed. He is staying away from me. When it was time to feed this evening, same thing happened. They both got happy to see me, but when I came into the pen, they took off. I’m not proud of this, but a couple days ago, I chased them around the pen for a good half hour. I really just wanted to love on them, but it wasn’t happening. Regardless though, I do believe there is progress being made. Finally.. it may be a small victory, but it’s happening.

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