Sunday, June 23, 2019

We also have two cats here, maybe three if you count the stray that lives in our tree house. That cat doesn’t come near us though and we don’t feed her, so I will say we have two cats. Persia and Bubba are our two inside cats. They are spoiled rotten. I have had them for nine years. Bubba is an orange tabby and Persia is a gray tabby. They both have very different personalities. They are also rescued. Persia was found in my backyard years ago so skinny and with a belly full of worms. I’m surprised she made it. She was so little. Bubba was found in someone’s car engine with his lip ripped off. He was fixed at the emergency vet and somehow I ended up with him. I wouldn’t trade them though. They are sweet cats, but they keep me on my toes. When we get a mouse in the house or any of that, they hunt it. Persia kills all the spiders we get in the house. They are great pets. I love them. Here lately they have felt a little neglected with all the other animals and with me being busy with school work and they let me know it.

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