Sunday, June 23, 2019

I’m flipping back and forth on my stories because I can’t remember what all I have written and I’m trying to catch up to where we are now. This is a funny story about Bubba. He was not a happy camper when we got all the new animals. The night I gave Treat a bath, I was soaked from that. I then held Treat for an hour to try to get her to stop shaking. Anyway. During that evening, when I got back in the house, I threw my clothes on the floor to get into the shower. When I got out of the shower, I caught Bubba peeing on my clothes!!! He was so jealous. Or at least that is what I’m thinking. A couple days before that, he peed in my husband’s recliner after he had been out there with the new animals. Bubba was throwing a fit. Luckily there was a back massager in the chair that Bubba actually peed in so we didn’t have to burn the chair. This was totally out of character for Bubba.  I really couldn’t be mad at him, but I kinda was. It wasn’t funny at the time, but it is funny now. 

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