Monday, June 10, 2019

I am going to tell you a little bit about what I have learned up to this point. Having a farm is really hard work. I am getting some muscles and I am dropping some pounds, probably just from sweat. It’s hot outside and I sweat badly. I have learned the the saying, sweating like a pig is not right, pigs don’t sweat. I have learned that pigs are very smart and will trick you if you let them. I also have learned that pigs know how to get home if they choose to. I have learned that all animals need friends. They are happier and do better if they are in pairs. Maybe that goes back to the days of Noah when the animals went two by two. I have also learned that animals know when it is time to eat and they will wait on you, not patiently. I have learned that animals will love you but they can also become jealous and get mad at you. My donkey will show out when mad, turns his back to you like a mad woman would. I have learned that donkeys will bray at you when they want your attention. I have also learned that no matter how many showers you take, you can still smell like and farm. The dirt under your nails will be there forever no matter how much you scrub. I have learned that a farm, even a hobby farm is worth it if you love the animals. You have to take care of them and they rely on you for everything. They can love you back.

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