Sunday, June 23, 2019

Let’s talk a bit about a full moon. I know people say a full moon can affect us all and that stuff. When I worked in physical therapy, you could definitely tell when there was going to be a full moon by the residents attitudes. Especially in the Alzheimer’s wing. Well, on a farm, it’s the same thing. The animals get temperamental and cranky. They also do out of character things. We have a place for the animals to get under during the weather and at night. During a full moon, those animals just wonder around all night. Now I’m not exactly sure it’s all night because I’m in bed, but I know they aren’t laying down after dark. Cracker Jack, my donkey, won’t have much to do with me when there is a full moon. It’s a mess. But, in my opinion, animals are a lot like people in dealing with a full moon. It strikes me as funny.

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