Saturday, June 15, 2019

Once we got the pigs into the new pen, I could have watched them all day, but the garden needed weeding, we had company over, and we had work to do. Later as I got in our pool to cool off, I watched them running in the pen. Treat was running back and forth for like 20 minutes!!! It was so fun to watch her. Spam was running around, too, checking things out. So, we put a small pool in there for them to cool off, we don’t have a water hose yet down by the pen, so we were having to bring buckets of water from the house to the pen. That gets tiring for sure...and quickly. As this was happening, my husband pointed out that he had bought me a wagon to transport things easier. Hmmm... I guess I just wanted to make things harder on myself. Hahahaha!!! So that was finished. Then I needed to clean out their old spot and move the smaller pigs to the bigger pigs place to get more air flow. They are still too little to go to the big pen. They would be able to crawl out of the holes in the hog pen they are so small. They still aren’t really friendly, but I did take Pork chop around the property while holding him so he could get some fresh air. They really don’t like me yet. I’m still working on it though. I’m trying. They are so young and small. I’m super glad I didn’t separate them. Now to get him fixed so we don’t end up with a bigger problem.

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