Saturday, June 29, 2019

So, I have spent so much time with my animals, I have let everything else go. Or at least sometimes that’s how I feel. I do work full time and have a commute to work. I also am in school finishing a degree. My poor husband works out of town so isn’t here to be able to help much, though he does when he is here. Then I have the farm, the house, the pool, and the garden to deal with every day. I went out to check on things and my pool was green. Like very green. I thought, oh no, this isn’t good. When we moved into the house, my husband joked that he would get rid of the pool if I ever let it get bad. Well, it’s bad. I had tried desperately to get it to not be green with no luck. Now, I know he was joking and when I told him about the green pool he laughed, he told me again he was just kidding. I really thought it was something I had done or rather not done to let it get that bad. I took in a water sample to the pool store. She confirmed that it was in fact, not my fault. With all of the rain and cooler temps we have had, that is what turned the pool green. And she told me how to fix it. Today I am working on fixing the pool. I really hope it works.

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