Monday, June 24, 2019

Do you remember the tragic harness stories with Treat?? Well, I decided to try it with Gus. He was already calm and social so why not?? I got the harness out and tried to put it on him. It took a few times and some hard work, but I managed to get it on him. Finally!! I was so excited to have one pig that would go for a walk with me. The harness was on. So, I attempted to get him to walk. He threw a fit. So I let go of the leash and he ran around the pen for a bit. I got the leash again and attempted to walk with him again. Nope... he wasn’t having it. I loved on him for a bit and tried one last time. Nope, rolled over on his side and said forget this. The other two remembered the harness also and ran over to smell it and see if he was ok. That part was funny to me. Spam and Treat needed to know Gus was ok. So sweet. They were definitely friends. I guess I will try again another day. I hear treats work well.

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