Sunday, June 9, 2019

Well, a week or so goes by and I’m feeling really bad about the cramped place the pigs are living in.  I talk my husband into going and getting harnesses to try and walk them. Omg. That was a huge mistake. They screamed and screamed and screamed. My neighbors aren’t really that close but I’m surprised they didn’t come over to make sure everything was ok. It was awful. They were really stand offish after that. The next day I go in to clean the pen and what happens... Treat gets out again!!!! She was waiting to get away. This time my husband was home. We both and the lab chased her for hours and were not lucky this time. She was gone. No idea what to do. I just cried and cried. The next day, my husband searched for her for hours while I was at work. No luck. He had to leave to go back to work the next day. I put everything on the back burner, school, work, cleaning house, everything except the other animals. I was determined. So I came home from work, and she startled me!!! She was asleep next to the kennel where her sister was. I was startled and that was her cue to run. And that she did. I thought an animal had got her and I would never see her again. Spam was so depressed she wouldn’t eat. It was a terrible situation. So, instead of chasing her that night, I went in the house. I knew if she came back once she would do it again. So, when I got home the next day, I put my boots on and left the dogs in the house. There she was again, right next to her sister. But, again, I wasn’t quick enough. She ran off into a different part of the woods. I had my lab come out and help me chase her. That pig ran right to the property line which is divided by barbed wire. She sat right past the barbed wire and looked at me. She let me pet her and everything but she was smart enough to know I couldn’t get her.  It was getting dark and I was eaten up by mosquitoes again so in defeat I went back to check on her sister. Well, for some reason Spam was calm. I couldn’t figure it out. Then I heard the oinking. Treat has somehow passed me and beat me back to the kennel and was stuck in the straw!!!! She couldn’t get out so I was able to grab her!!! Home again with her siste. Finally. I thought I was going to have to do some marathon training to be able to get her.

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