Saturday, June 29, 2019

Right after we got our first few animals, I got a call from an old friend of mine. She had some sheep she needed to rehome due to some personal things. She had a whole herd of them and they all got attacked. She had 3 left and was scared for them. They were very skittish and their horns had been chewed off. She wasn’t sure what to do so she reached out to me. They were all female. I discussed it with my husband. We decided to not take them since we only had the one pen and the 3 goats and donkey we had were all male. We didn’t want to try to breed a new kind of animal. That would have been wrong on so many levels. The main reason we did not take them though was because we had 3 dogs and the sheep had been attacked by dogs. We did not want to stress them out anymore than they were already stressed. I told her we couldn’t take them and why but I knew someone that might. I cannot tell you how grateful I was that this lady was able to help her and take the sheep. It warmed my heart to know there are still people out there in the world that could help each other out. The sheep are doing well in their new home. Still skittish but doing well. I felt like I had helped in a little way to the woman that needed to rehome them and the sheep themselves. It’s a good feeling. I don’t have any pics of them but here are a few of my animals... again. Are you sick of those yet?? I take a ton everyday!!!

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