Monday, June 24, 2019

Also on Father’s Day weekend there was a little hiccup. Jodie and I were in the pen with Treat, Spam, and Gus. Braiden came out and wanted to see Bacon bit and Pork chop. So I told him where they were. I didn’t think much of it. Then it happened, I heard a scream. Out loud I said, I sure hope the gate is closed. Well... it wasn’t... next thing I see is a little black pig run out of the kennel at full speed. Braiden was running after him. Jodie and I ran out of the other pen and started chasing the pig. At the time I wasn’t sure which one it was but I did think to ask him if he closed the gate. He had. Oh my, I was a nervous wreck. I kept thinking if we don’t catch this pig, this one is so small and won’t come back. In reality, maybe the pig would have come back, but I wasn’t sure. So, we are all running. My husband and, of course, Daisy all started chasing this pig. I didn’t take too long and Daisy has this pig cornered, not in a mean or aggressive way, but so someone could grab that pig. My husband was able to grab the pig and all was well. Turns out it was Pork chop that got out. It’s funny, too, he ran the way I had carried him around. I just realized that writing this post. I’m so grateful he didn’t run into the woods. We would not have found him. I’m also grateful everyone pitched in to help. He was so scared he was shaking so here are some pics of us trying to calm him down.

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