Tuesday, June 18, 2019

I have a couple of goats that will run to you when you come in the gate. They are so happy to see you. I have one that doesn’t want to come to you at all and then I have the donkey that is so excited to see you that he will knock you over to get to you. They are so much fun. Romeo is truly a mess. He will jump up on you like a dog would, he will try to eat your clothes off, and if u sit down he has the potential to crawl in your lap. He loves to be petted and loves on. He will also bite you if you are not careful. Hercules wants to try to eat your clothes off also and he will try to suck on your fingers. So weird. Lucky does not want anything to do with people. Him and the donkey are inseparable but he does not want to be loved on. Occasionally he will let you pet him for only a second. My husband actually tackled him one night so I could pet him... that may have regressed the process a bit. Then there is Cracker Jack, the donkey. He is the most affectionate animal. He has attitude though. But, for the most part he is super sweet. The best part is them all running toward me when I come in the gate. Warms my heart and makes me laugh. I mean, even the goat that doesn’t like people runs to me, but when he figures out where they are going he just kinda stops in his tracks and stands there. It is hilarious.

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