Saturday, June 22, 2019

Now I’m going to tell you about daisy and how she came to be living here. We had lost our pit bull a few months before and still had two dogs, so my husband and I weren’t really looking for another dog. We had talked about getting a lab at some point because that’s what he wanted. This is before we got the farm. So, my brother in law had been working on a side by side at our house and he left one day to go to Tractor Supply to get some stuff. He comes back with a dog. I was like what in the world and he said, I rescued her and will take her home to find her a home. The next thing I know, my husband comes out from around the corner and starts hollering for Daisy. She went right to him and they have been bonded since then. She is the best dog. She was just a puppy when she came to our house. She has finally somewhat calmed down. But she is an amazing farm dog.

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