Monday, June 10, 2019

The weekend I got the new pigs, there were tornado warnings all in the area. I’m not much for storms but I don’t get too freaked out over them. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was dark outside and my electricity was out. I was thinking, well ok, I need to check on the animals. Well I continued to run around back and forth from the house to check on the animals. Not a good plan really. We did have a few tornadoes touch down in the area and we had trees down. My phone was dying and my electricity was still out. I continued running back and forth hoping all of the animals were ok. I was on my hands and knees praying protection for the house and all the animals. I’m sure some would say I looked pretty silly, but I didn’t care. And as it turned out, all of my animals were fine. They acted like it was no big deal. The donkey wasn’t happy and he was soaked and the goats were, too, but they had shelter, they just didn’t get in there before the rain. Silly animals. 

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