Monday, June 10, 2019

I haven’t mentioned this yet, but the second time Treat ran off and was gone for days, I started looking for another pig. I wasn’t sure if I would get Treat back and Spam was so depressed she wouldn’t eat. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to do something or she wasn’t going to make it. I found a breeder, which I’m not really into, I prefer to rescue my animals, but I was desperate. I set it up and then postponed it when I got Treat back and then she ran off again, so I decided to go ahead and get a third pig. I drove an hour to get there. Before I got there, the man said he only had two left in the litter but one was a female and one was a male. I decided to just get the female. My husband said that was fine. When I get there, I see two very scared but healthy baby pigs. They were bonded and terrified, so what do I do, I get them both. I texted my husband and told him I got them both, expecting him to say something like I thought you weren’t going to do that, but he didn’t. He said I knew you would. So I bought the pigs. They were very scared, but had each other. So now I am up to 4 pigs, 1 donkey, 3 goats, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. What am I doing??

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