Saturday, June 29, 2019

My last blog post was about Daisy and loving the pigs. I know the pigs love her, too. The thing is, lady night, Daisy stuck her head through the hog panels and was loving on Spam and Treat. If you look back, I have posted about Daisy and Treat, my wayward pig. They share many memories of running through the woods and all. They are crazy about each other. So as I’m sitting there watching them, Treat tried to take a bite out of Daisy!! Daisy didn’t react except for slipping her head out of the hog panel. I actually think it hurt her feelings. Now she is not trying to love on them today like she has been. Poor sweet Daisy. She doesn’t know what to think. I’m not sure either. If it had been Spam, I would understand, but it wasn’t. 

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