Saturday, June 29, 2019

I got a call from a lady a few weekends ago. This is a woman I trust and have known for a while. I would help her in any way I could. However, she called to tell me she had 2 pot belly pigs running around in her yard. They had been there for a few days and they were eating all of her chicken feed. As this was going on, I also had company at my house. I couldn’t do anything at the time. I told her to let me know if she was able to trap them and I would see what I could do. I really am a sucker for animals in need. I really didn’t know what I was going to do if she caught them. A couple housers later, she texted me and let me know she had caught one of them. So, I got the ball rolling, or so I thought. There is a rescue not far from where I live and not far from where my friend lives. I contacted them and they were going to help us out but it was going to take a bit. As I started to text my friend the next day and let her know I had not forgotten her and the rescue was working on it, she texted me to say the owner of the pigs finally showed up to get them.  She had been to the owners house previously and they had not been in a hurry to get them.  Poor little things, breaks my heart on so many levels. But, you know, I don’t think I can care for 2 more pigs and I don’t think Ronnie would have let that happen for sure. I don’t have any pics so I’m going to put my piggy pics on this post.

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