Saturday, June 29, 2019

During my research, I have seen a lot of different things saying to keep your pot belly pigs away from your dogs. If you put them together, always stay with them and watch them. Because pigs are a prey animal and dogs can be a predator. Not saying the dog would attack a pig, but it does happen. I actually saw a post the other day about a pot belly pig that got attacked by a dog that lived in the same house and were friends. It’s really basic instinct in the animal world. So, as I write all of this, I know it can happen, but Daisy loves all of our pigs so much. When Treat kept getting out, she would chase her and find her. She never hurt her and could have if she had wanted to. Instead of using her teeth or any of that, she would lay on top of her until I could get there. Of course, it didn’t actually work that way but she tried. Even the new babies love Daisy and the other dogs. I think it is so cute how Daisy will go around and check each of them. When they were in the kennel, Daisy would sit and watch over them to make sure they were ok. They all get along through the fence and they love on each other. It is absolutely adorable. Daisy is such a good dog. She was definitely in the right place at the right time when she was found and brought to our house.

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