Tuesday, June 18, 2019

During the time my hubby was building the pen, I was keeping in touch with the lady who needed to rehome her pig. The one I said I would take. I still had not told my husband about this yet. I was a little nervous about it. He wasn’t going to say anything about it really, but we had just bought the two little ones. We doubled our pig population overnight. Seriously, what was I thinking. Such craziness.  Anyway. So, the pen is built. How do I bring this up in casual conversation?? How can I tell him?? And what am I worried about?? I was actually worried he was going to tell me rationally that we just got two more and we needed to chill a bit. And, he would have been correct in saying that. I have been completely overwhelmed with working and my commute, going back to school and having four pigs, a donkey, three goats, three dogs and two cats. But, what’s one more. So, sitting down to spend time with each other, I think I started out something like, so, there was this post about another pig that is needing a home. And he looks at me and doesn’t say anything. I waited and he still didn’t say anything. So, I continue and tell him about how five people tagged me on this lady’s post about her pig. He asked me where the pig was and who had it, so I told him. He said well it’s a small world, I know her. He said, if it was anybody else I probably wouldn’t go for it right now. So, we were getting a fifth pig to add to the chaos. These girls aren’t going to know what to do with themselves!!!

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