Sunday, June 23, 2019

Time for more of what I’ve learned. If goats don’t get the right minerals, they will start to lose their hair. Boy pigs can start to reproduce early, like three months. A female pig goes into heat every 21 days. Female pigs that are not fixed will be more aggressive. Pigs are food driven. A donkey needs his hooves trimmed often. Pigs need their hooves trimmed also. Goats and donkeys don’t like to lay in the mud. Goats will try to eat anything. Goats can be affectionate and so can a donkey. Pigs have to earn your trust. Pigs don’t forget anything. My donkey is temperamental a lot of the time. The donkey is actually food aggressive also, he runs the goats off from the hay daily. Goats prefer leaves to grass. Bloat can kill a goat. Goats can get lice, mine have not had it, but I read about it. Corn makes pigs fat, but they love it and it’s cheap. Goats and the donkey love mineral blocks. My donkey is also an alerter to when people are coming up the drive. Cracker Jack, my donkey brays at me when he wants some attention or when hungry. I’ve been doing research on all of these animals so I’m sure I will have more on what I’ve learned.

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