Friday, June 21, 2019

I was so nervous and stressed all night. I didn’t sleep much because I was so worried. I know, they are animals, but still, I didn’t want any of them hurt. I was already making plans to have Gus given back to the owner. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I got up the next morning and they were all still alive. Thank goodness. They all had cuts on them, so Gus was fighting back.  I wasn’t sure how long it would last. I thought about putting him into another pen just so he would be ok but I had been told that if I did that, the process would just take longer. I had to just wait it out. I went to work, still stressed and upset, still trying to decide what I needed to do for this sweet pig I had just taken it. But, I came home to them all being fine. Yeah, there were more cuts, but it looked like Gus actually made top hog!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! It took less than 24 hours and they were friends. Apparently this is a big deal. Some said it would take up to a week. I felt really good about it. It was going to work out.

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