Friday, June 28, 2019

As I have been looking back through hundreds of pictures I have taken over the last few months of all these animals, I am amazed at the difference at Treat. When I first laid eyes on Spam and Treat, I really only saw Spam. She was so clean and cute. I didn’t realize Treat was so sick. Chasing them around to get them to take them home, I caught Spam. I didn’t realize how bad Treat was until a couple days later. I know we have discussed the mange, but I’m going back to that again because I want you to understand how bad off she was. The lady that had them had already lost one of them and had two left. I really almost lost Treat. It was so bad. I still get upset when I think about it. She is doing so well now. I’m going to post the video of catching spam and the difference in Treat then and now. Treat looks so much better now and is feeling so much better. Her and I have been through so much together.

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