Sunday, June 23, 2019

The bugs out here are no joke!!! I cannot believe the many times I get bit by a mosquito daily!!! I’m praying I don’t end up with some funky disease from all these bug bites. It’s absolutely terrible. They will bite through clothing!!
When the seasons changed it’s like they are trying to carry me off or bleed me dry. The weeks Treat was gone and me running through the woods like a maniac, I thought I was going to scratch my skin off. Benadryl cream is my friend. Guys, I even get bit on my forehead!!! It’s insanity!! Of course, we do live on a lot of acres and there is a creek at the back of our property, really close to the pig pen. I’ve also never seen so many flies in my entire life.  It’s madness. The ticks are bad, too. Pulled some of those off of me also. I’ve even pulled off ticks that were on the pigs. Good grief. It’s the farm way of life, I guess. And me sweating is not helping matter. See the sweat... oh my goodness!!

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