Monday, June 24, 2019

One night, I went down to see the little pigs, Bacon bit and Pork chop. I gave them their clean water and their food. I know they are still skittish and get upset at times because they are scared. This particular night I kept hearing this really awful noise down there. I had no idea what it was but I wanted it to stop. It was terrible, but it continued. So I left and did my normal checking around the farm. Went back and the noise was still going. I finally figured out that Bacon bit was grinding her teeth. Yes, I said grinding her teeth. Crazy!!! So then I start researching pigs and their teeth and find out that pigs lose three sets of teeth. Three sets!! Wow. I had no idea.  Apparently pigs grind their teeth when they are teething or possibly when they are super stressed. I’m not sure which she was doing that for because after a few days it stopped and I haven’t heard it again. Sweet little Bacon bit.

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