Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I get Pork chop home from surgery. I was told by the vet he needed to stay in the house because of the meds. So I left him in the crate in the house while I fed all the other animals. I got check on Bacon bit and the only way I know how to describe what I saw we a piggy meltdown. It was so sad!! She was running back and forth in the kennel and screaming. It’s was so terrible. I decided I would go rig up something in the house and bring her in also. In my head I was thinking, my husband is not going to like this... I did tell him though. He actually understood and wasn’t even upset about it. I really didn’t doubt that but I knew he didn’t want them in the house. So I came back in the house and put puppy pads down along with towel on the floor and put up a gate in the laundry room. I went to get Bacon bit and brought her in. Pork chop was on the ground in the crate with the door opened. Bacon bit had not seen or heard him yet. The minute she did they started talking in their pig language.  It was so sweet. It was like two long lost friends finding eat other again. Then the problems started. The pigs had no traction on the hard floor and refused to stay on the towels. They kept sliding around on the floor. I finally get them on the towels and put food down for them and I went on my way back outside to finish my chores. I can back and they had torn up the puppy pads, dumped out the water everywhere and did eat all of their food. They would not calm down at all. They did not like being in the house at all. I had to make a decision. The sun was going down so the heat was also. I decided to go ahead and put them back in the kennel. They were good once they were back there. 

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