Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I realized something this week... I’ve been watching it but wasn’t sure what exactly I could do. Gus and Spam are not letting treat eat much. Poor baby screams when I bring food out now. I think she is really hungry.  I feel so bad for her. I have tried making 3 piles of food, 1 for each of them, but she still isn’t getting enough, in my mind. Poor little girl. I’m really perplexed at what the issue could be. I know they are all hungry and still food aggressive but good grief. That seeet baby needs to eat. She is still not very social so it’s not like I can move her when it’s time to eat. Gus I could, but that leaves spam and she is super bad aggressive with food all the time. Poor little treat. She is so adorable though. I even picked her up the other day. She hated ever second but made me smile!!

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