Monday, June 10, 2019

As this story continues, remember the harnesses?? Well those didn’t work, they were too big or too small. So, I ordered some. Keep in mind, I just got Treat back from her escape. So, I decide as I’m cleaning the pen, I would try the harness I bought. She hated it and wasn’t having it... and got out again!!! Like OMG, I cannot handle this anymore!!!! My husband was still out of town and before he left he said, stay out of the woods and DO NOT go down to the creek!!! So, I didn’t chase her. Here is the funny thing... she never really goes anywhere and I didn’t realize that until this third escape!!! A few minutes later, she just comes back out of the woods and is hanging out. She knows where I am and she won’t let me get close but she is right there. Literally right there!!! Poor Spam is going crazy. She is trying to run into the chain link fence with her face. She is a little bloody and really upset. If you sit and listen long enough, Spam and Treat start talking to each other. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t such a terrible situation.  So, Treat and I play hide and seek for hours... for days. At one point, I went down to the kennel to check on Spam and Treat is asleep halfway through the kennel to where she could run out either side and I couldn’t get her. She is a smart one I tell you. It’s nuts. So, after days of this, and literally she would just prance around the yard until I came into view and she would run away. Her and the dog even became really good friends during this time. I would say, Daisy, go get the pig, and she would, she just couldn’t herd her the way I wanted her to go. So, I get on my hands and knees and start praying. I’m really wanting this pig to get back to her pen, not only for her safety, but for Spam’s sanity. I then go inside and decide I will catch her tomorrow. Of course I left food out for her and when I got up the next morning, the food had not been eaten. So then I’m like, oh no, something bad happened to her. But... no, she was right inside the gate talking to Spam. Only my prayers were answered when I was able to grab that pig. Pigs have excellent hearing and she didn’t even turn around until I grabbed her. She screamed bloody murder like always, but I got her back in the pen. Spam was mad at her and didn’t let her eat for a bit. Treat was also so exhausted she just kinda slept a lot of days. But, she was home. Time to talk about a new pen.

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