Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The day came that Pork chop was going to get fixed. The night before I had to take food away from them which stressed me since they really weren’t eating anyway. I really think because of the heat. I felt bad for them. And one top of that, I was stressed because Bacon bit and Pork chop don’t do well apart even for a little bit and I wasn’t sure how they were going to be okay for an entire day. I was really stressing. The next morning, I got up super early to get him to the vet by the time they opened and so I could get to work on time. I got Pork chop out of the kennel before I fed Bacon bit. I got him in the cat crate I had. He was really scared. It broke my heart. I went to check on Bacon but before I left and she seemed ok. She was actually eating. So, I got Pork chop in the car and halfway there, I smelled it. He had had an accident in the crate. Poor baby was nervous!! I get to the vet and they hadn’t opened the door yet. Lol!! They saw me there and let me in. I felt horrible leaving him, but I had to get to work. A couple hours later I get a phone call from the vet. I thought they were finished with surgery. Nope, that wasn’t it. One of the girls at the vet had some questions for me. She said he still had his needle teeth which could be harmful later if he bit someone or his sister and if I wanted him vaccinated. I had them do all of that. Here is the kicker though, she said, I got him out of the crate and cleaned up the poop, wrapped him in a warm towel and he has been in my lap since then. She said he really didn’t like it at first but then he relaxed and is doing well. I couldn’t believe it!! I did get a call later and he was finished with surgery and doing fine. Then I was able to relax. I was still worried about his sister but they would be back together soon. I was glad that was over.

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