Tuesday, June 11, 2019

At this point, we are really needing a bigger pen. My poor husband, I work him so much when he is home!! It’s crazy. Anyway... Where we live, the pigs are all being kept in an old dog kennel. Before you get to the old dog kennel, there are 2 pens already built. They are over grown and look a bit scary, but in the perfect spot. Pig’s skin can burn like humans, so they needed somewhere with sun but with shade also, this was perfect. He have been dealing with a lot of storms, flooding, and tornadoes during this time. My wonderful husband was out building a pen during the thunderstorms. I had to get him to come in due to the lightening. He had to build something under the gate so they couldn’t get out.. since our dogs dug underneath it and he put railroad ties around the hog panels so they couldn’t root out. He also built them a nice shelter to get in. I put some straw in there for bedding also. When he got it finished, I had worked too many hours and was too tired to get them in the pen, so they had to stay in the kennel for 2 extra days. Poor babies, but I knew it was going to be a fight since they don’t really like people and HATE to be picked up. They scream and thrash around like someone is killing them, but that is instinct for them due to being prey animals. But, the pen was finished!!!  Look at these faces!!!

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