Thursday, June 20, 2019

Well, I told you about the skunk. A few months after that happened I was sitting in the living room and kept hearing this weird noise. Sounded like it was under the porch. I thought it was one of my dogs, Daisy. She has a weird obsession at times of getting stuck under the porch. I kept hearing it, so I went outside and started yelling for her. She came from the wrong direction from the noises I had been hearing. So, I get down on my hands and knees and start shining a light under there. Not a good plan now that I think about it. Something could have attacked me and I’m on my hands and knees without a weapon...makes sense, right?!?! I do things without thinking. I realized what I was doing and got up. Could have been anything, but I didn’t wait around to find out. My husband put down some moth balls and sulfur after that. Now that’s all I smell. 😬 Yuck!!! But, I haven’t heard anything else under the porch!!

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