Tuesday, June 18, 2019

More things I have learned on the farm. Goats can get something called bloat, it can actually kill them and it’s just a build up of gas. What?!?! Yes, so true. I have also learned that rubbing on the fence and mineral deficiency can cause the hair loss, but it shouldn’t be a problem if they have mineral supplements.  So, when your mineral block dwindles down, you may have a goat that loses a lot of his hair. I have learned that during mating season, goats will pee on their own beard and faces. That is a scary thing to see. And, I have a goat that will do this and then come a try to rub all over me. Oh my goodness, talk about gross. I also have learned that my donkey is food aggressive.. he likes to run off all of the goats when hay is involved. I have learned goats would much rather eat leaves off of the trees than grass in the field. I have also learned that goats will stick their necks out as far as they can because they think the grass is better over there. But, sometimes, they will get their head stuck and you have to try to free them which is a situation all on its own.

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