Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Back to building that pig pen. Those pigs were so happy. Wagging their tails, rooting around and eating!! The day after the pen was built, I was so sore I could barely move. Those railroad ties kicked my tail end. Anyway, this isn’t about me. I came home and the pigs and dug a little spot to stay cool right behind the dog house. It was so cute. They really thought they were hiding and couldn’t be seen.  I know they are nervous about the dogs and me. They do have conversations with the other pigs in the other pen. They can see each other now. It’s really a funny thing to watch. They still aren’t friendly but hopefully they will warm up soon. They are so cute running around that pen. They are still so small and cute. I just want to love on them, but they don’t want me to... at all. I am going to continue to work on them. It will happen eventually. Looks like I’m going to have to camp out in the pen in a chair with treats for hours. I better start using bug spray or I’m going to get some funky disease from the mosquitoes.

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