Saturday, June 29, 2019

Out taking care of the animals, Bacon bit and Pork chop are having the time of their lives. They run around constantly and seem to be loving their new home. They have warmed up more to me even the last few days. I sat out there on the ground for an hour and they came close, but not up to me yet. It’s definitely a work in progress. Those sweet little things love to root. They are rooting up the entire pen and eating the weeds and stuff in the pen. They are not eating much of their food anymore because of all that. They are also getting good at dumping out their water bowls, too. I think they are getting in it to cool off. They are loving laying in the cool dirt. It’s really the cutest thing. Now them running from me isn’t all that cute but I’m getting used to that. They will come around. I’m determined... of course, I’ve been working with Spam and Treat for months and I’m still not there yet. I’m hoping these two won’t be as stubborn as the other two. Only time will tell.

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