Thursday, June 27, 2019

I just finished telling you about Cracker Jack and the older dogs. Now let me tell you about The goats and Daisy. Maggie and Pepper don’t really try to mess with them. 2 out of 3 of the goats have horns and will head butt you. No lie. But daisy loves to aggravate the goats. She will grab their tails and grab their horns.. and not let go. They will head butt her and she will grab on the horns again. They don’t fear each other and none of them are being aggressive really, but it scares me a little when Daisy’s head is through the fence and has horns in her mouth and won’t let go. It just seems a little rough. Poor Hercules and Romeo have permanent scratches on their horns from Daisy’s teeth. But what can you do. I can yell and get mad and smack her on the nose, but it doesn’t help. Maybe powering up the shock collar?!?! 😳

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