Sunday, June 9, 2019

Ok, so the weeks move on and the pigs are growing like weeds. They are so huge and we haven’t got the pen built yet. Due to them being so sick, and not sure how long it would take to get over, there was no hurry. Well, one night I’m out in the pen, cleaning it... with a shovel like I do daily and Treat runs out since I didn’t shut it all the way. Guys, these pigs are SMART!!! So, I take off after her. Now before I go any further, picture this in your mind... we have the pigs at the back of the property, up against the tree line for the woods which is nothing but briars and honeysuckle. Beyond that is a snake filled creek. Ok, back to the story... so I’m thinking of nothing but getting my pig back. Luckily I remembered to shut the gate to keep Spam in, who is now going crazy in the kennel. I’m running with muck boots on and Capri shorts on with a t-shirt. My lab is on my heels helping me. Also keep in mind, I’m from the city and don’t much care for sweating and getting too dirty. I’m running through the briars, getting are up by mosquitoes and getting cut up by briars. I’m literally sweating so much I can’t see because it is so hot. I’m not a runner by the way either. Next thing I know, I’m in the creek, praying a snake doesn’t get me. I was a little nervous. Well, the dog corners her a scared her enough she has to poop so I was able to grab her and take her home. I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t let that happen again. Spam was happy I caught Treat and all was well... for now.  Can you tell she is screaming like a banshee at me in the photo?? That will make you go deaf for sure.

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