Friday, May 17, 2019

So, as I was saying the donkey needed friends, so my husband knew a guy that owned a farm and raised goats. The donkey was also raised with goats, so win win situation. We went to pick up the goats. As we were waiting on the goats, I spot 2 very small pigs and mentioned how cute they were... my husband said no, absolutely not. Well, I continued about how cute they were. So, he leans over and says, if you can catch them, you can have them. Challenge excepted. I’m a city girl, what was I thinking. Oh, that won’t be hard. Ok, yeah right. Those things are so fast. But, I managed to catch one and the lady that owned them caught the other one. Anyone ever been around pigs... ummm.... they scream. Like blood curdling scream. Honestly, I had no idea. I was laughing so hard I almost could have peed my pants, I didn’t though. So we stick them in the trailer with the goats and come home. Well, the goats were great, they got out f the trailer and right in with the donkey. They were fast friends. The pigs on the other hand, I had to catch them again. One at a time was super hard. The job was done though.  Those pigs curled up in the straw from the stress and just stayed there. For days...

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