Thursday, May 16, 2019

So, my husband and I bought property in the country, not a huge portion, but big enough for us... little did I know that less than a year later, we have animals... not the cows I thought we would have, other animals. This is how it started... So, I knew this lady that cornered me one day. She said, hey, would you like a donkey. In my head I’m saying, why would I want a donkey. My mouth says, let me talk to my husband. Next thing I know, he meets up with her and agreed to take the donkey, a miniature one at that. I’m thinking, hmmmm.... how is this going to work. Next thing i knew, somehow I’m outside with him, building fences... yes, I said building fences... what in the world. It’s 20 degrees out, snowing and I’m freezing... It happened though, the fence was built. Now this is where it gets good so donkeys are social animals and need to have friends. Ummm... what??? So he needed a friend... that is why the lady gave us the donkey, his friend had passed away. He is the sweetest thing, too. So loving and affection. He just needed a friend. So, what happens, we get friends!!!! Next time I will tell you that story. The ending to this story is that the donkey had never been in a trailer. He tried to take off out the gate where his pen was, but we caught him, took 3 people to get him in the trailer, ever thought of a 300 pound animal not wanting to do something and having to make them do it, that’s a workout I tell you!!! We get him to his new home and he flies out of that gate so fast I was glad everything was blocked and he only had 1 place to go. Goodness!!! He is really loved and he does love his new Until next time!!!

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