Sunday, August 21, 2022


I have felt lately like I am not doing a great job around here. I have been so busy with work that I have not had time to be out here as often as I would like. There is so much that needs to be done. The biggest thing I have been so worried about were hooves. We have several here that needed trims. I have known this for a while. We have been in contact with several farriers and they either do not show up or they said there was nothing they could do. I had been so fed up. It finally got to a point where I was going to call everyone I knew to get one out here. I was determined. These guys deserved to get fixed up and that is what was going to happen. I felt like I was failing them and they had been failed before. They deserved better than that and I was determined to give it to them. The phone calls started and as blessed as I can be only had to make two phone calls. That second call got me a farrier and he could come that week. I will not fail anymore. 

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