Sunday, August 21, 2022


I spoke with a farrier and told him what we needed. This one actually showed up and did the hard job. Let me give you the back story in case you have not heard it. When we got Noma, here feet were already bad. She was unhandled (still is pretty much). She wanted nothing to do with anyone. Pete was the same way. I talked to the farrier and let him know what he was dealing with. He said he could help. He may have had to rope her and tie her up which I hated and I was glad I was not there, but it had to be done. Noma was getting worse by the day and needed help before it got worse. I had been looking for someone for a year and a half. I know that sounds crazy but we live in the middle of nowhere so that does not help anything. Noma is madder than a wet hen with us right on but I’m over the moon grateful to have a start on Noma’s feet. She still needs some work, but it’s started and the worst is done. The last farrier came by and said she had been like that so long that it might hurt her more to do her feet. Her tendons and ligaments were already compensating for her poor feet. That one did not come back. That is true about her tendons and ligaments but this guy said they would go back to normal with her feet. I cannot believe the good job he did. He did Cracker Jack, Noma and both horses in one trip. He is coming back in a couple of weeks to do the other four. Then we will be on a schedule so none of this ever happens again. I’m so grateful. To be clear, it’s not like we have not tried to get her help. We have really tried. Luckily, now that is one more thing I do not have to worry about. Noma and Cracker Jack are both sore but it will not take long for them to get over that. 

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