Wednesday, July 22, 2020

So, we have an office under the stairs here at home. It’s a nice little room no one goes into. It has been storing boxes from the last time we moved. I decided to clean it out. It looks really good now. Here is the thing. This room is where the return air vent is so the door has open slats in it for the air return. When the air in off, the cats can open the door with a paw. When the air turns on, they get trapped in there until the air turns off. It has become a game with them. Not a fun game for me. I sometimes sleep on the couch because my husband snores at times. Well, I was on the couch last night and the cats decided to play their little game. I had to go let them out 3 different times during the night. I finally got smart and put something in front of the door so they couldn’t get in. Good grief. They can be worse than children.

The ongoing saga of the wayward goats continues. I get a text from my husband yesterday. It says, out of all of the goats, guess which one got out today. Mya was standing there and we both said Lucky about the same time. As we both said that, the next text comes in that says Lucky. I laughed. We have 4 goats here and Lucky is the only one that doesn’t care for us humans. He is still very fearful and just doesn’t want us to be around him. He has always been like that. From the day we got him. It’s funny because the rest of them love humans and any attention they can get. Lucky is doing better after being here a year. He will eat out of my hand but he won’t let me pet him. I just go with it. Anyway. Lucky got out. Ronnie said he stayed in the same round about spot for hours and then Ronnie decided to try to get him back in the pen. Now, I wasn’t here for this story so I only know what I was told. Lucky is scared to death of Ronnie. He doesn’t want Ronnie around and usually hides in the bushes when Ronnie comes to the pen. I guess this time Lucky was desperate to get back in the pen with his friends. Ronnie said he got a bucket of feed and Lucky just followed him right back into the pen. That hasn’t ever happened before. Let’s see how long it takes for him to get out again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I’m sure if you have been following this blog, you know these animals all have their own personalities and their own way of doing things. My job is to figure it all out sometimes. Last night, I was laying in bed trying to relax and read a few minutes before I went to bed. All of a sudden I hear Daisy and her high pitched bark. I go in there to check it out. I could tell she was mad because Pepper was on a blanket. I told Daisy to cut it out and go to bed. Of course she just stared at me. I go back to my room and close the door. I mean, sometimes you just need a minute of peace. I had just sat back down and here she goes again. This time Maggie was on the blanket she apparently wanted. I pick up the 2 blankets none of them were using and put them in her crate. As soon as I did that, she went in and laid down. No more barking. She was fine after that. She makes me laugh for sure.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Life is so crazy right now!! I have so many stories to share with you and I hope I do not forget them before I get them down. These animals are doing funny things everyday. Don’t give up on me. I will start posting again. I just have so many things to do.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I have been so busy lately that I have been neglecting to post here. With all the animals and working full time plus taking care of the house, the garden, the pool, etc, I’m so exhausted that I haven’t been posting. I also have 2 more children’s books out last week with the help of Mya. She really is a big help. She is exhausted also. We are spring cleaning in the summer since I finally finished school a few months ago. Things did get neglected some during that time. We are fixing it now. One thing I don’t neglect is the animals. So in saying that, not long ago I noticed Hercules had a horn that was growing funny. It was actually trying to grow back into his head. If you know me, I started trying to figure out what to do. It had not gotten to his head yet so I had a little time. When the ferrier came out to work on hooves, I talked to him about it. He was going to do it, but Hercules wasn’t going to have it. I let it go for a bit. Then it was like it started growing quicker. I was watching it and noticed it was almost to his head. Mya and I decided we would try to do something. We researched how to do it and realized we didn’t have the right tools. We gave it some effort though. We tried several different things but couldn’t get it done. A few days after that, Ronnie and I went into my cousin’s Pool shop to get supplies. There stands my second cousin telling me about her new goats. So I ask her about the horns. She is able to do it. Her and her friend and sister came down to do the horns. Oh my. Those girls worked for hours to get those horns done and they did it!! It had not grown into his head yet, but it was close. They did a great job and I’m so glad. Hercules did not make it easy on them at all. To make matters even better, Cracker Jack, the donkey didn’t like them messing with Hercules even though they don’t get along too well. He had to be up in their business. It was definitely a memorable experience and I’m grateful for it. Thanks, girls!!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

It’s that time of year. I really don’t remember it last year so I feel like it’s new to me. The pigs are blowing their coats. That means they are shedding their hair. Let me tell you. They are cranky. I’m sure it’s the hot weather on top of shedding all of their hair. I am telling you. I have never seen them this cranky. They are definitely not themselves. They are all the time grinding their teeth. They do beg for me to help with their shedding. Spam will even just sit there and let me pet on her just to see if her hair will come out. Treat is even snappy and she never is that way. I do have a pool out there for the heat. They are obviously very itchy because of the hair coming out also. I hate it for them. The new hair is already growing back in so hopefully it won’t last much longer.

Monday, July 6, 2020

4th of July represents great things for America. I know that. Celebrating is what most people do on the 4th of July. I am a little different. I love my country even though America is going through some rough times at the moment. I did watch some fireworks from my yard as I do every year. I’m in the yard half the night due to my animals being terrified of fireworks. This year was different than last year. Last year most of them did fairly well. I always let the dogs in because they hate the fireworks. As long as they are inside, they do okay. The pigs all cuddled together and went to sleep. They have houses that they can crawl in and feel secure. This year it was the donkey and the goats that went nuts. We do have kids next door that we’re shooting them off close to the donkey and goat pen.  Poor Cracker Jack absolutely hated those fireworks. He ran around that pen like his life depended on it for hours. I was out there trying to console him. The goats would follow him. I’m not sure if they were nervous or if they were trying to protect him. Whatever it was, it broke my heart. He was fine the next day but the Fourth of July is definitely hard on these animals.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

We all have bad days. I know that. I’m telling you, I have had a few of them in the last few weeks. I’m exhausted for sure. I came Home today in a rough mood. It didn’t last long though. These animals I have just wanted to love on me. Pigs rolling over for belly rubs. Goats just wanting to be all up in my face. Cracker Kack trying to run me over for attention. It’s all hard work, but days like today remind me it’s worth it to have this farm. They are my pets. They love me and I love them.