Thursday, July 16, 2020

I have been so busy lately that I have been neglecting to post here. With all the animals and working full time plus taking care of the house, the garden, the pool, etc, I’m so exhausted that I haven’t been posting. I also have 2 more children’s books out last week with the help of Mya. She really is a big help. She is exhausted also. We are spring cleaning in the summer since I finally finished school a few months ago. Things did get neglected some during that time. We are fixing it now. One thing I don’t neglect is the animals. So in saying that, not long ago I noticed Hercules had a horn that was growing funny. It was actually trying to grow back into his head. If you know me, I started trying to figure out what to do. It had not gotten to his head yet so I had a little time. When the ferrier came out to work on hooves, I talked to him about it. He was going to do it, but Hercules wasn’t going to have it. I let it go for a bit. Then it was like it started growing quicker. I was watching it and noticed it was almost to his head. Mya and I decided we would try to do something. We researched how to do it and realized we didn’t have the right tools. We gave it some effort though. We tried several different things but couldn’t get it done. A few days after that, Ronnie and I went into my cousin’s Pool shop to get supplies. There stands my second cousin telling me about her new goats. So I ask her about the horns. She is able to do it. Her and her friend and sister came down to do the horns. Oh my. Those girls worked for hours to get those horns done and they did it!! It had not grown into his head yet, but it was close. They did a great job and I’m so glad. Hercules did not make it easy on them at all. To make matters even better, Cracker Jack, the donkey didn’t like them messing with Hercules even though they don’t get along too well. He had to be up in their business. It was definitely a memorable experience and I’m grateful for it. Thanks, girls!!

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