Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The ongoing saga of the wayward goats continues. I get a text from my husband yesterday. It says, out of all of the goats, guess which one got out today. Mya was standing there and we both said Lucky about the same time. As we both said that, the next text comes in that says Lucky. I laughed. We have 4 goats here and Lucky is the only one that doesn’t care for us humans. He is still very fearful and just doesn’t want us to be around him. He has always been like that. From the day we got him. It’s funny because the rest of them love humans and any attention they can get. Lucky is doing better after being here a year. He will eat out of my hand but he won’t let me pet him. I just go with it. Anyway. Lucky got out. Ronnie said he stayed in the same round about spot for hours and then Ronnie decided to try to get him back in the pen. Now, I wasn’t here for this story so I only know what I was told. Lucky is scared to death of Ronnie. He doesn’t want Ronnie around and usually hides in the bushes when Ronnie comes to the pen. I guess this time Lucky was desperate to get back in the pen with his friends. Ronnie said he got a bucket of feed and Lucky just followed him right back into the pen. That hasn’t ever happened before. Let’s see how long it takes for him to get out again.

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