Monday, July 6, 2020

4th of July represents great things for America. I know that. Celebrating is what most people do on the 4th of July. I am a little different. I love my country even though America is going through some rough times at the moment. I did watch some fireworks from my yard as I do every year. I’m in the yard half the night due to my animals being terrified of fireworks. This year was different than last year. Last year most of them did fairly well. I always let the dogs in because they hate the fireworks. As long as they are inside, they do okay. The pigs all cuddled together and went to sleep. They have houses that they can crawl in and feel secure. This year it was the donkey and the goats that went nuts. We do have kids next door that we’re shooting them off close to the donkey and goat pen.  Poor Cracker Jack absolutely hated those fireworks. He ran around that pen like his life depended on it for hours. I was out there trying to console him. The goats would follow him. I’m not sure if they were nervous or if they were trying to protect him. Whatever it was, it broke my heart. He was fine the next day but the Fourth of July is definitely hard on these animals.

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